DUALLy Homepage

Many architectural languages have been proposed in the last fifteen years, each one with the chief aim of becoming the ideal language for specifying software architectures. What is evident nowadays, instead, is that architectural languages are defined by stakeholder concerns. Capturing all such concerns within a single, narrowly focused notation is very difficult. At the same time it is also impractical to define and use a "universal" notation, such as UML. As a result, many domain specific notations for architectural modeling have been proposed, each one focussing on a specific application domain, analysis type, or modeling environment.

These considerations led us to propose DUALLy as a framework to create interoperability among ADLs themselves as well as UML. DUALLy allows architects to transform concepts of an architectural model into semantically equivalent concepts in other architectural models. DUALLy works at two abstraction levels: meta-modeling and modeling.

DUALLy is implemented as an Eclipse plugin.

The main advantages DUALLy exposes can be summarized as follows:

Further details on DUALLy may be found by navigating the "framework" left-menu of this site or checking the latest publications.



The phD Thesis of Ivano Malavolta is available here. The thesis is titled "Software Architecture by Reuse, Composition and Customization".


Accepted paper in the 15th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2012). The paper is titled "Model-driven techniques to enhance Architectural Languages Interoperability", it will be available soon.


The DUALLy website has been updated with a new web template.


Our paper published in the International Journal on Software and System Modeling (SoSyM) is available online. The paper is available here.


Accepted paper in the International Journal on Software and System Modeling (SoSyM). The paper is titled "A model-driven approach to automate the propagation of changes among Architecture Description Languages", it will be available soon.


Accepted paper at the Doctoral Symposium track of the 4th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2010). The paper is titled "A model-driven approach for managing software architectures with multiple evolving concerns" and will be presented the 23rd of August 2010 in the IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.


The TSE paper related to the current version of DUALLy is now available here.


A prototype of the graphical editor for A0 is now available. The current version of the A0 graphical editor is available here. The current version of the A0 editor deals with the SoftwareArchitecture part only, further informations are provided into the archive file of the editor itself.


New document available describing the semantics of the DUALLy weaving meta-model. For informations about this report please refer to the Documentation section of this web-site.


Dually presented at the 4th International School on Model-Driven Development for Distributed Realtime Embedded Systems (MDD4DRES). A short paper has been presented during the "Work in progress" session of the school and is titled "Architectural notations interoperability using the DUALLY framework". A tool demo of DUALLy has been performed too. Paper, presentation and tool-demo files can be downloaded from the here.


Accepted paper at 12th International Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009). The paper is titled "A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Component Models Interoperability" and will be presented the 24-26th of June 2009 in East Stroudsburg University, Pennsylvania, USA


Accepted paper at Fourth IEEE International workshop UML and AADL. The paper is titled "Integrating AADL within a multi-domain modeling framework" and will be presented the 2nd of June in Potsdam (Germany)


Accepted TSE journal paper. The paper is titled "Providing Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability through Model Transformation Technologies" and will be published in the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE computer Society.


Updated Home-Page. The description of the DUALLy framework in the home-page has been updated in order to be consistent with the latest development of the framework. Mainly, A0 shifted from a UML profile to an Ecore metamodel; other minor changes will be published on this web-site soon.


A new technical report about DUALLy is available here. The main novelties about the DUALLy framework will be published soon on this website.


The A0 UML profile is available on Sourceforge repositories. The UML-based version of the A0 pivot-metamodel is available as a UML profile containing a core set of architectural elements, such as component, connector, channel and so on. Click here to download either its Eclipse UML2 version or the related MagicDraw project file.


The source files of the DUALLy Eclipse plugin are available under the GNU general public license (GPL) in the CVS section of the Sourceforge project. Users can check out them, analyse, modify, adapt the DUALLy source code directly from here.


Demo paper accepted at ASE 2008. The Demo will be presented on September 17.


DUALLy v1.1.0 available. DUALLy v1.1.0 can be downloaded from the Sourceforge repository. Click here to download it.
Major changes mainly concern the User Interface and the weaving metamodel that now is more expressive.

The new Windows Bundle is based on the latest Ganymede Eclipse Modeling Tools Package then all required plugins are already up-to-date. Further informations (excerpt of the change log):

  1. ADDED-CONCEPTS in the weaving meta-model: AbstractCorrespondence, GlobalElement, ParentCorrespondence, ConstantBinding, Annotation This changes are reflected in the corresponding changes in the higher-order transformations.
  2. UI-IMPROVEMENT: added icons to woven metamodel panels
  3. UI-IMROVEMENT: added a filter that masks everything that is not a EPackage, EClass, EStructuralFeature in the woven metamodel panels.
  4. FIXED-BUG: fixed some bug with minor changes in the higher-order transformations


DUALLy case studies available as AMW use case. The use case is available here.


DUALLyzation guide available. The guide of the DUALLyzation of ACME and Darwin can be downloaded here.


Two case studies available. A use case on ACME and Darwin is now downlodable from the sourceforge account. This use case shows how to semi-automatically obtain Acme specifications from UML-based Darwin models. The use case source files and its user guide are hosted here in our SourceForge account.


DUALLy site completed. The first version of the site you are navigating has been just completed.


Activated the Sourceforge account of DUALLy.