DUALLy is developed in the context of the ATLAS Model Management Architecture (AMMA). More specifically, it is available as a plugin of the Eclipse platform that extends the ATLAS model weaver (AMW). Models and meta-models are integrated into the same AMMA platform and, since AMMA is built on top of Eclipse, they are automatically integrated with several modeling technologies, such as Ecore and UML2.
Both meta-models and models (also weaving models via AMW's specific editor) are expressed via XMI, this allows users to define meta-models and models through any editor that exports models in the XMI format and to import it into DUALLy in a straightforward way. In particular, UML profiles can be realized using any UML tool which exports in UML2, the EMF-based implementation of the UML 2.0 meta-model for the Eclipse platform.
The transformation engine is based on ATL transformations, so that it is fully compatible with the other components of the AMMA platform used in the context of DUALLy.